
The Cooperative Health Management Federation is inviting members to an upcoming webinar on April 25, 2022 (Monday), with the following timely topic: Common Summer Diseases And Tips on How to Avoid Them
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 3500 0331
Passcode: 662436
Hope to see you there!
Attention! To members who got 1COOPHealth HMO Card for themselves and/or their loved ones, we are pleased to inform you that in an effort to better serve members especially in this time of pandemic, 1CoopHealth has launched it's Telemedicine service! Now, you can consult with your doctor without leaving the safety of your own home!
Telemedicine is a tool you can use to consult with your doctor securely through the Internet. Consulting with 1CoopHealth Telemedicine Doctor is free and easy! Just book an appointment by sending a message through one of their social media platforms/channels:
Available beginning April 1, 2022.
With Tagaytay back at Alert Level 2, we are again opening Serin to members beginning February 1, 2022. Please just make sure to wear facemasks and have your Vaccination Cards with you all the time.
All members with bookings during Alert Level 3 are free to rebook. Just go to the website --> Services --> HPP Vacation Home or you may advice the coop office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Tagaytay LGU may change the guidelines from time to time. So it's best to double check with the coop office before your scheduled trip. Thank you.
Please be advised that PHIVOLCS has raised Taal Volcano to Alert Level 3 - High Level of Volcanic Unrest; meaning, eruption is possible within weeks. There is no forced evacuation yet but residents and guests are encouranged to be extra careful.
Members with reservations at HPP Vacation Home during Taal Alert Level 3 may rebook for free. Just contact the coop office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you and stay safe.
HPPCOOP understands the challenges everybody is facing in these unprecedented times. As such, to further help members cope with the difficulties, the Board of Directors has approved to remove interest on its Hospitalization Loan effective immediately.*
In addition, HPPCOOP has also streamlined the application process with just a few clicks on its website. This is because normally, people are pre-occupied with a lot of things during these medical emergencies.
To apply, members just need to go to the Member's Area on the website and select Online Hospitalization Loan Application. Access is exclusive to members so login is required. All Members in Good Standing (MIGS), both Regular and Associate are qualified to avail.
This benefit is something nobody wants to use but at least, when the need arises, HPPCOOP members know they have their Cooperative to run to for help.
HPPCOOP. Because you are family.
*Terms and Conditions apply so please check the new Hospitalization Loan Policy for details.
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