• +632-7975-4087
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HPPEMC and 1COOPHealth Introduce New HMO Plans

Recognizing the need for an affordable HMO coverage for members and their family, HPPEMC has partnered with the Cooperative Health Managerment Federation (CHMF) for healthcare coverage without the high cost of traditional HMOs.

The HPP HMO Plan aims to provide members with...

Peace of mind, the cooperative way!

New plans available!


Some of the other benefits of the new 1COOPHealth Plans include:

  • Annual Physical Exam
  • Outpatient Consulation
  • Emergency Room Treatment
  • Confinement
  • Dental Coverage
  • Special COVID Coverage
  • Death Benefits

You may visit the HPP 1COOPHealth website for enrollment and other information.

Please note the increase in premium for the Ward Plan to cover for inflation, COVID-related benefits, and waiver of service fees, among others. Feel free to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions.


System Upgrade

Dear Members,

With our growing membership and volume of transactions, our current system cannot cope anymore. As such, we are  upgrading our system to serve you better. The new system will be cloud-based and should provide us with greater flexibility and resiliency.

In the next few weeks, we may be tied up with upgrade activities together with day-to-day operations. Please bear with us for any delays and hope that you can factor in some additional lead-time for your loan applications and other transactions when possible. Of course for urgent matters, you can always contact me. Thank you. 


Yours in the spirit of cooperation,

Val Hilario
Dahil sa Coop, kaya mo na!


HPPEMC Welcomes Legion Tech

legiontechlogoThe HPP Employes Multipurpose Cooperative has welcomed Legion Tech Inc. into its Cooperative Family! HPPEMC and LTI signed a Memorandum of Agreement to allow its employees to become members of HPPEMC and enjoy the benefits of a cooperative that is focused on helping IT/BPO employees by encouraging thrift among its members and providing credit facilities, among others.

Founded in 2012, LTI is one of the fast-rising IT company in the Philippines focused on providing various consulting and outsourcing services to various local and international clients. "We are really excited with this partnership. Being a relatively small company like us, being able to leverage the size of HPP Cooperative would really be a big advantage for our employees and our company. I am particularly excited about the HMO that HPP offers which is both affordable and robust. We can't wait to start!" shared LTI Chief Financial Officer, John Paul Alvarez.

"We are happy to welcome LTI into our cooperative! The mission of HPPEMC is really to partner with IT/BPO companies and work together to uplift the lives of employees. LTI and HPPEMC are aligned in that sense." added Val Hilario, HPPEMC CEO.

Photo shows John Paul Alvarez and Val Hilario signing the MOA at a simple ceremony held at BGC on July 13, 2022.



HPPEMC to Match Members' Donations to the Ifugao Relief Effort

HPPEMC to match donations from members who would like to help the victims of the recent calamity in Ifugao province.

Heavy rains triggered flash floods and mudslides in Ifugao recently. Especially in the town of Banaue, some roads were rendered impassable as muddy water rushed downslope forcing residents to appeal for help.

In line with this, HPPEMC has announced that it will donate one peso for every peso members donate to the Ifugao Relief Effort. The relief effort is being led by some members and volunteers from DXC Technology.

In this difficult time, no amount is indeed too small. Cooperatives are truly greater than the sum of its parts. In behalf of all the victims of this calamity, thank you very much for your help. #ReliefPH



Organizational Announcement - Jodan Mendoza

jodanpicJodan Mendoza will be joining HPPEMC as Member Services Specialist beginning August 1, 2022.

As Member Services Sepecialist, Jo will provide overall support to HPPEMC members including, but not limited to, membership application, recruitment, loan processing, member concerns, education, and account maintenance.

HPPEMC has gotten to a point in its expansion where somebody needs to focus on the day-to-day member concerns. Jo is a perfect fit given her background in education and experience in customer service. Jo is also not a stranger to HPPEMC having previously worked as Admin Officer for Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Please welcome Jo to the HPPEMC Family!

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11F Intellectual Property Center
McKinley Hill, Taguig City




